Operating with a licence

Operating with a licence

Taxi, ride-hail, limousine, shuttle and inter-city bus operators must meet the terms and conditions of their licences once the application is approved by the Passenger Transportation Board (Board).


The Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure is responsible for the Passenger Transportation Accessibility Program (PTAP). Funding and training is available to the taxi industry to improve services and experiences for the accessibility community. Ride-hail (TNS) services must pay a $0.90 fee for each trip provided in a non-wheelchair accessible vehicle. This fee is collected in part to support accessibility in the passenger-directed vehicle industry

Booking apps

Passengers can book taxis and limousines, and other passenger directed vehicles using a booking app on their smartphone. Smartphone applications (apps) connect customers to transportation services while also making booking and dispatch an easy and efficient process for operators.

Data requirements

Passenger directed vehicle and ride-hail (TNS) licensees must adhere to the terms and conditions in their licence regarding data requirements and submit trip data to the Registrar of Passenger Transportation.

Fitness reviews

The Board may review licensee fitness at any time to make sure they are fit, proper and capable operators.

Rates, surcharges and tolls

Taxis, limousines, shuttles, and other passenger directed vehicle operators must charge rates that are approved by the Board. Rules about rates ensure passengers are charged reasonable and predictable prices for transportation services.

The Board can make Rates Rules that apply to the whole passenger transportation industry, or classes of licences, including sector type (i.e., taxi, limousine, etc.) or a sub-group of licensees. Rates Rules are a type of Regulation and are enforceable under the Passenger Transportation Act. The Board’s Rates Rules Manual contains all of the Rates Rules applicable to licensees in B.C. Licensees are responsible for knowing which rules apply to them.

Inter-city bus and ride-hail passengers agree to the cost of the trip prior to accepting the ride. If the passenger does not agree to pay the price set by the operator, they can decline or choose not to use the inter-city bus or ride-hail service. Inter-city bus rates are not set or controlled by the Board. The Board may choose to set rate minimums or maximums for ride-hail operators and set rates requirements (by region) in its Rates Rule - TNS Rates Rule.

Temporary Operating Permits (TOPs)

Operators can apply to the Board for a temporary operating permit to increase the number of vehicles in their fleet for a period of time, up to 92 days. The 92 days do not need to be consecutive. Seasonally, the demand for taxis often increases between December and mid-January. Taxi operators can apply to the Board for a festive season temporary operating permit to increase their fleet by a percentage of their fleet maximum for up to 30 days during this time period. 

Terms and conditions

The Board sets terms and conditions of passenger transportation licences when an application is approved. Terms and conditions are in standard formats. They often have common clauses and wording.

Examples of the more common terms that the Board uses on licences are in this sample terms and conditions. The Board may set other terms and conditions depending on the circumstances of an application.

Lists of approved licensees

Lists of approved licensees are available below, organized by vehicle type:

The Registrar also posts a list of current passenger transportation licensees that is updated weekly.