Resumés, criminal record checks and business registration documents

Resumés, criminal record checks and business registration documents

Operators applying for a passenger transportation licence must attach documentation that will assist the Board in assessing whether an is:


Resumés outline education, work experience and skills that show the Board you have the ability to operate a passenger transportation service. You may have gained these skills through your education, experience or work history. You do not need to have run a passenger transportation service before applying. 

Attach resumes for:

  • Sole proprietors
  • Each managing partner in a partnership
  • The president and the general manager of an incorporated operation 

Criminal record check 

Criminal record checks must be provided for: 

  • Sole proprietors
  • Each managing partner in a partnership
  • The president and the general manager of an incorporated operation 

Criminal record checks can be obtained from your local police agency. Individuals who are not residents of Canada must provide either a police certificate from their country of residence confirming that a criminal record does not exist or a copy of the criminal record.

Business registration documents 

If you are located outside of B.C. and are applying as a corporation, limited liability company or society you must include a copy of your company's:

  • B.C. certificate of incorporation that indicates registration as an extra-provincial company 
  • Certificate of incorporation issued by your home jurisdiction

More information can be found on the Registrar's website.