Studying traffic congestion
Due to concern over the potential impact of passenger transportation on congestion in high-density urban areas, the Passenger Transportation Board decided in August 2023 to conduct a traffic congestion study in Greater Vancouver.
The Board contracted the professional services of Acuere Consulting Inc. to undertake the study. Based in Burnaby, B.C., Acuere provides professional engineering, planning, and technical services for the transportation sector. The Acuere team is composed of professional and academic experts and engineers who focus on data and analytical support for the development of transportation policies and strategies.
For the traffic congestion study, Acuere collected data over a one-year period in 2023-2024 to obtain multiple samples and capture seasonal variations in passenger transportation. Acuere’s final expert report is anticipated in late 2025.
The Board will consider the results of the report as it continues to engage in evidence-based decision-making to regulate the passenger transportation industry, and to address priorities such as congestion and climate change.
Congestion and climate change
Climate change issues are a significant priority for the government and the Board. The scale of the climate emergency demands urgent action by everyone.
Traffic congestion in the passenger transportation industry is a concern due to its potential impact on increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. An additional concern regarding traffic congestion is the potential impact on the comfort and convenience of both passengers and local residents and businesses, especially in urban areas.
In view of these concerns, the Board initiated the traffic congestion study to assess congestion in high traffic corridors in Greater Vancouver.