Deadline to activate additional taxis extended

Deadline to activate additional taxis extended

December 14, 2022

Since June 2020, the Passenger Transportation Board (Board) has recognized the significant impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the passenger transportation industry and as such has granted multiple BC-wide extensions for the activation of:

  • Taxi modernization vehicles; and 
  • Additional vehicles approved by the Board after March 2020

In May 2022 and based on consultation with the taxi industry, the Board issued a final activation deadline of December 31, 2022. However, recent feedback from licensees indicates the ongoing struggles and challenges to obtain replacement parts and vehicles (many of which are accessible vehicles) as a result of the supply chain issues caused by the pandemic.

In light of this information, the Board is extending the activation deadline to July 1, 2023.
Licensees will have until this date to activate additional vehicles, or they will no longer be valid. 

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March 6, 2024

Update on climate change programs and initiatives

The scale of the climate emergency demands urgent action. Responding to climate change is a significant priority for the B.C. government. The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure they support the government’s climate change programs and initiatives. The following initiatives are a few of those currently being undertaken by the Province and the Board.

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