B.C. Accessibility Standards: Transportation sector session

B.C. Accessibility Standards: Transportation sector session

July 4, 2024

As part of ongoing efforts to implement the Accessible B.C. Act, the government is developing new accessibility standards for different sectors, including transportation.

On July 16, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., the Accessibility Directorate (part of the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction) is hosting an online consultation session to collect input on proposed Accessible Service Delivery and Employment Accessibility standards in the transportation sector. The goal of these standards is to help remove barriers for people with disabilities in B.C.

Members of the transportation sector and interested parties are invited to join the conversation. Licensees and other members of the passenger transportation industry are welcome to participate.

Register online

To register, please visit the registration page.

More information 

The Government of British Columbia is working towards being an inclusive province. In June 2021, the Accessible B.C. Act became law. It provides a framework to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility. The new law is an important step to make B.C. a more accessible province.

To learn more about engagement related to accessibility standards under this legislation, please visit the Accessible B.C. Act engagement website.

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March 6, 2024

Update on climate change programs and initiatives

The scale of the climate emergency demands urgent action. Responding to climate change is a significant priority for the B.C. government. The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure they support the government’s climate change programs and initiatives. The following initiatives are a few of those currently being undertaken by the Province and the Board.

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