Q&As for the 2023 Passenger Transportation Board Investigation: COVID-19 Recovery for Passenger Transportation Industry in BC

Q&As for the 2023 Passenger Transportation Board Investigation: COVID-19 Recovery for Passenger Transportation Industry in BC

December 14, 2022

Why did the Board conduct an investigation in 2021? 

In 2021, the Board decided to conduct an investigation, pursuant to section 27 of the Passenger Transportation Act, on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the BC passenger transportation industry. This was done to better support object, evidence-based decision-making. 

What were the findings of the 2021 investigation? 

The investigation included collection of data and examination of general economic conditions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the passenger transportation industry. This report was publicly released in September 2021(3 MB) and the Board considered the report in several subsequent decisions. 

Why has the Board decided to conduct another investigation in 2023? 

The Board has decided to conduct another investigation to assess the state of the passenger transportation industry at this stage of COVID-19 recovery. Doing so will continue to support object, evidence-based decision-making. This follow up study is not being done under section 27, as it is not associated with any specific application, but rather under section 7. 

Who will conduct the investigation?

The Board has retained Hara Associates (Dr. Dan Hara), a professional economist, to conduct the follow up investigation. This investigator possesses the requisite expertise in economics in the BC passenger transportation industry to render a valuable report. Hara Associates also conducted the 2021 investigation.  

When will the 2023 investigation be complete?

The investigation will begin in around December 2022 and is anticipated to be complete within six months barring any unforeseen circumstances. 

Which applications are affected? 

As this investigation is being conducted under section 7, it is not associated with any specific application. 

Will you share the investigation results with the public? 

The Board commits to posting the 2023 report once completed to ensure transparency. 

I want to provide the Board with information to support the 2023 investigation. How can I do that? 

The investigator will be contacting relevant passenger transportation organizations to gather their input for this investigation. The Board encourages the passenger transportation organizations contacted by Hara Associates to cooperate by providing relevant data and information. Getting a clear picture of current economic conditions is in the best interest of the industry as a whole. 

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Update on climate change programs and initiatives

The scale of the climate emergency demands urgent action. Responding to climate change is a significant priority for the B.C. government. The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure they support the government’s climate change programs and initiatives. The following initiatives are a few of those currently being undertaken by the Province and the Board.

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