Proposed changes to rates structure - call for feedback

Proposed changes to rates structure - call for feedback

March 29, 2023

The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) is considering several changes to rates rules that may affect taxi and TNS sectors, as follows: 

  1.     Eliminating Common Rate Rules;
  2.     Replacing Common Rate Rules with minimum and maximum rates for taxis;
  3.     Allowing taxis to charge higher rates during designated peak periods;
  4.     Maintaining the TNS Minimum Rates Rule and revising it to achieve its intended purpose better;
  5.     Imposing maximum rates on TNS prices during emergencies;
  6.     Creating a new, custom Taxi Cost Index to reflect inflation in taxi rates; and
  7.     Linking the TNS minimum rate to the new Taxi Cost Index.

Please see the Notice To Licensees RE: Potential Changes to Taxi and TNS Rate Regulation for more information on these proposed changes and the Board’s rationale for considering them.

Through its rate structures, the Board continues to seek a balance in consumer affordability with the costs of business and supporting safe, sustainable, and profitable operations in the industry.

Feedback from the industry

All potentially affected licensees may wish to participate in this process. Feedback must be in writing and provided to the Board by May 3, 2023. Please send your feedback with the subject line “Proposed rates rules changes” to: There is no fee associated with providing feedback on this topic.

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