Inter-city bus COVID-19 policy extension and consultation

Inter-city bus COVID-19 policy extension and consultation

April 19, 2023

The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) recognizes the significant impact COVID-19 has had on the passenger transportation industry. Since March 18, 2020, the Board has allowed Inter-City Bus (ICB) operators to temporarily reduce or suspend scheduled service to below minimum required frequencies (MRF), after providing public notice, without applying to the Board for a reduction of service amendment (ICB COVID-19 Policy).

The Passenger Transportation Act states that upon approval of an ICB authorization, the Board may establish MRFs, routes and route points through terms and conditions of licence. Once those terms and conditions are set, licensees must submit an amendment application to the Board to reduce or eliminate a route or MRF as per Rule 39 of the Board's Rules of Practice & Procedure.

The Board plans to undertake a sector-wide consultation with ICB operators in the early fall 2023, with more details to follow. To allow time for the consultation, the Board has decided to extend the ICB COVID-19 Policy until December 31, 2023.

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