Special Committee to Review Passenger Directed Vehicles

Special Committee to Review Passenger Directed Vehicles

July 12, 2023

Section 42.1 of the Act required the Legislative Assembly to establish a Special Committee. On May 11, 2023, the Special Committee to Review Passenger Directed Vehicles was appointed.

The Special Committee is mandated to conduct a review of passenger directed vehicle services and transportation network services administered under the Act, including, without limitation, a review of the following:

(a)    whether the provision of licences under the Act that include passenger directed vehicle authorizations or transportation network services authorizations promotes:
(i)    an adequate supply of passenger directed vehicles, including accessible passenger directed vehicles, and
(ii)    passenger and driver safety;
(b)    the effectiveness of the test set out in section 28 and used by the Board to assess applications for licenses;
(c)    whether the Act promotes employment in the passenger directed vehicle services and transportation network services industries;
(d)    impacts on public transportation, traffic congestion and the environment attributable to the administration under this Act of passenger directed vehicle services and transportation network services;
(e)    whether the Act promotes passenger directed vehicle services, including transportation network services, in small, rural, or remote communities. 

The Special Committee is required to submit a report to the Legislative Assembly respecting the results of this review within one year of its appointment.

Given the scope of the Special Committee’s mandate and its focus on several areas under the Board’s purview, the Board will monitor the work of the committee closely and participate as requested.

Once the report is finalized, Board staff will review and assess the potential impact of recommendations and work with partners in government and interested parties to explore opportunities for implementation.

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Update on climate change programs and initiatives

The scale of the climate emergency demands urgent action. Responding to climate change is a significant priority for the B.C. government. The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure they support the government’s climate change programs and initiatives. The following initiatives are a few of those currently being undertaken by the Province and the Board.

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