Board decision on new taxi rates structures

Board decision on new taxi rates structures

January 17, 2024

The Passenger Transportation Act allows the Passenger Transportation Board (Board) to set rates “for the purpose of establishing just and uniform charges” and to make rules respecting rates (sections 7(1)(f-g)).

In April 2022, the Board made it a priority to undertake a process of systemic decisions on rates. This was done in anticipation of market restructuring and other issues as the passenger transportation industry emerged from COVID-19. One such issue was a significant driver shortage impacting taxi licensees, and a need for companies to improve financial terms for drivers.

Accordingly, the Board conducted an extensive review of existing taxi rates structures across the province for more than a year during 2022-23. During its review, the Board consulted with taxi licensees and operators and collected feedback on potential changes to taxi rates structures.

Board decision on taxi rates structures

After more than a year of research and consultation with taxi licensees, the Board decided in December 2023: 

  • to eliminate common rates rules (CRR) in regions where they are in effect, and replace these with standardized rates.
  • in regions where CRR are not in effect, to establish regional rates bands.

The Board’s systemic decisions on rates, including the taxi rates structure and custom taxi cost index, will provide the taxi sector with more support to respond to market restructuring and other inflationary pressures.

Timeline for implementation

The timeline for implementing these changes has not yet been determined and it is likely to take many months. Current rates structures will remain in effect until that time.

Information on implementing the new rates structures will be provided in the coming months, and the Board will work with the taxi sector in 2024 to ensure effective implementation.

More information

If you would like more details about the new taxi rates structures, you will find these information sheets helpful:

If you would like any further clarification, please contact Jim Grove, Communications Officer at

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March 6, 2024

Update on climate change programs and initiatives

The scale of the climate emergency demands urgent action. Responding to climate change is a significant priority for the B.C. government. The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure they support the government’s climate change programs and initiatives. The following initiatives are a few of those currently being undertaken by the Province and the Board.

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